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Enrich your LEAN capabilities in Microsoft Teams

Dedicated LEAN tools improves work quality and efficiency
Dashboard in Microsoft Teams channel

Improve team efficiency

Add boards to your team channels​
  • Make your team boards more accessible by adding tabs to your team channels.
  • Adding boards to your team context improves your workflow efficiency within the Microsoft Teams workplace.

Design boards in Microsoft Teams

Easy-to-use board designer
  • Optimize your boards for Microsoft Teams
  • What you is what you get
  • No coding required
  • Drag & drop

LEAN meetings in Microsoft Teams

Conduct your regular team meetings with DigiLEAN boards
  • Interactive tools
  • Dynamic content
  • Accessible anywhere, anytime

Increase team engagement

Easy idea registration and follow up
  • Register new ideas directly from Microsoft Teams
  • Track personal suggestions
  • Like and contribute to other improvement suggestions
Engage by liking improvement suggestions

Strengthen problem solving capabilities

Structured problem solving A3
  • Work within teams and channels
  • Quickly get back in the process the next day
  • Share and assign follow-up actions
  • Document everything

Personal work area

Add DigiLEAN for personal follow up
  • User specific content
  • Boards
  • Tasks
  • Improvements
  • A3s

Blog: Why we integrated with Microsoft Teams

"DigiLEAN alone helps me achieve great flow in my work, but using it as part of Microsoft Teams is just icing on the cake and improves my effectiveness even more."